Buy Me a Coffee — My New Income Stream?

An anonymous person bought me a cup of coffee on Buy Me a Coffee.

Inu Etc


buy me a coffee money inu etc
Buy Me a Coffee — Photo by Inu Etc. Created with Canva

I was active on Patreon but never received any support. I created a Buy Me a Coffee page and always promoted the page on my blog and YouTube channel.

The only time I received support was when I promoted it through my Medium articles.

Recently, someone bought me a coffee.

As I checked my email last week, I saw an email from Buy Me a Coffee.

“Someone bought you a coffee”

I am so grateful to that anonymous amazing person, even though I don’t know who she or he is.

I don’t know why the person hid his/her identity.

However, it is obvious that this person is one of my readers on Medium or Therefore, I would like to thank him/her through this short article.

“Thank you so much for your support. I wish you a very happy new year. 💚”

Financial support from someone you’ve never met is one of the most rewarding feelings in the world. Having people send you money just because they enjoy your writing is great.

I’m feeling grateful and motivated to write more. My writing will continue, as always.



Inu Etc

I help young hustlers build their own online businesses. |, | Co-founder - | Writer, blogger, web developer, traveler. 💚