I made $301 from Medium!

This is not from the Medium Partner Program.

Inu Etc


Photo by Jp Valery on Unsplash

The source of my income was affiliate marketing.

Here’s the whole story.

Recently, I wrote two articles about how I made $200 with the help of AI, and in those articles I promoted CopyAI.

After these two articles went viral on Medium, 1151 readers visited the CopyAI website through my link and so far, 278 of them have created free accounts, and 8 have upgraded to premium plans.

I earn a 45% commission on all payments within the first 12 months

For each conversion, I earned $13.23.

Therefore, $13.23*8 = $105.84 + $59.67 (Extra Commission) = $165.51.

Also, I received $136.08 in commissions from a client who purchased CopyAI for



Inu Etc

I help young hustlers build their own online businesses. | Inuidea.com, InuEtc.com | Co-founder - Hostneur.com | Writer, blogger, web developer, traveler. 💚